Sunday, April 12, 2009

Being A Dad and A Realtor - How Do WE Do It?

What about those of us, the millions of us who are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing?

Being a dad is the #1 most important thing that I do. I have been there for all of my children's imprortant firsts - first steps, first steps, first teeth, you name it, I've been there. Not only have I been there, but everything that I do outside of the house - from teaching, to real estate, to delivering newspapers at 3 am in the morning, to selling vacuum cleaners, to babysitting - all of it has been for the express purpose of doing what I have to do as a father - to provide for my home, my wife, and my children.

Is it hard? Yes, it sure is! And I am absolutely certain that every dad can attest to the same. So, How do WE do it?

First and foremost, I remind myself everyday that what I do is for my children.

Then I make sure that I take time with them, even in the midst of my busy schedule. And I sacrifice everything for them.

My son got sick - kept having ear infections. I took the day off from my job to bring him to the doctor. Not his mother, ME!!! I missed faculty meetings and listing appointments and showings to make sure that my son was ok. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! It wouldn't be a second thought.

When my children wake up in the morning, I'm usually gone already. But when I get home, you should see the smile that lights up their faces, especially my little man - it is absolutely the best feeling in the world.

I am teaching my son what he needs to know - by my example and with my words - how to grow up to become a man, and as he gets older, I can teach him what being a father is really all about.

When I am working from my home office, when it is time for him to be fed or get his milk, I do it. When he needs to be changed, I do it. When it is time for him to be put to sleep, he is not a momma's boy - oh, no. He comes and gets Me! And what do I do? I turn off the monitor, turn out the lights, and I put my son to sleep.

I recently discovered, from my wife, that my son has an arm on him. Only 1 years and 4 months old, but has an arm on him, and I strongly suspect that he, like his older sister, is left handed. So me, being the anti-sports guy that I am, decided instead of stifling his new-found interest, that I would encourage it. So, when i get home from work, what do I do? I find his toy balls (football, soccer ball, you name it, he's got it) and we toss it around for awhile. If we don't, he'll tell me "ball!" and I go and get it for him.

So how about it, fellas? Let's show the Mom Realtors how WE do it!

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