Monday, November 22, 2010

If I Had an Extra $220 In Savings from Buying Ink Cartridges, I Would…

If I Had an Extra $220 In Savings from Buying Ink Cartridges, I Would…

Wow, $220. That’s really a lot of money to save just from buying ink cartridges, don’t you think?

Seriously, though, when I think of spending any type of money on charitable causes, I usually don’t limit myself to such a small amount, only because I know that most issues that need to be addressed could never be satisfactorily addressed by such a meager amount.

     But sometimes it’s not the amount that matters, just the idea that you thought enough of the cause to contribute anything in the first place.

     So, what would I do if I had $220 in savings from buying ink cartridges?

Assuming that I would save $220 annually from buying ink cartridges, I would

            - defray the cost of books for a senior entering college. College textbooks have always been expensive, and not all scholarships can be used for such purposes;

            - expand on the idea above by creating a scholarship fund for the purpose of paying for a student’s freshman year textbooks in their entirety; the $220 would only be the initial start-up money for the scholarship and I would encourage others in the community to contribute or match my initial donation;

- donate the money to the local Police Activity League, which provides after school tutoring and other programs for urban school children that boosts their performance in school;

- purchase an assortment of toys to donate for the Toys for Tots program;

- purchase needed food items for donation to a local soup kitchen during the holiday season.

As you can see, I don’t think I could make up my mind about any one use of the savings I would acquire if I were able to save $220 just from buying ink cartridges. But all of the programs and/or events that I would donate my savings to be worthwhile causes, IMHO, and it sure beats plowing that savings into buying more ink…

This post is for the ActiveRain 'I could save $220 with Kodak Contest. I have a chance to win a free Kodak Printer, $$220 in cash to use for the idea in my blog post, and an extra $100 to use toward ink!.


The Contest:

Create a blog post that details what you would do with an extra $220 this year. Get creative. Posts must be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 500 words.

1. Include: '$220 in savings' in the title of your blog post somewhere

2. Mark your post for the 'ActiveRain' channel and include it in the topic 'I can save $220'

3. Post a link to your blog post on the Facebook fan page wall of both ActiveRain and Kodak. In the 'write something' section, include 'If I saved $220 this year I would.........(and finish the sentence)'.

(This one is optional. The Facebook terms of service don't allow us to make this a requirement)

4. Follow @kodakrealestate on Twitter

5. On your twitter account, make a tweet, with a link back to your blog post that includes '@kodakrealestate If I saved $220 this year I would........ (and finish the sentence)'.

6. In the footer of your post include: "This post is for the ActiveRain 'I could save $220 with Kodak Contest. I have a chance to win a free Kodak Printer, $$220 in cash to use for the idea in my blog post, and an extra $100 to use toward ink!."

7. Posts must be written and all requirements fulfilled by November 23rd, 2010 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. We will announce the two winners on November 30th, 2010.


The Prizes:

1. All posts written for the contest will receive 2000 ActiveRain points.

2. Two lucky agents will be selected by a panel of judges (including staff from Kodak and ActiveRain) to receive: a free Kodak printer (Kodak ESP 6150 Office), $100 cash for ink or office needs, and $220 cash to spend on their idea from their blog post. One winner will be selected at Random from all participants and one winner will be selected based on the creativity of their post.

3. Kodak will ship the printer free to the winners and also send a check for the $320 cash prize via ActiveRain.


Posted via email from greaterwaterburyrealestate's posterous

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